istoryang kusina

because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

Crispy Pata

Yesterday was my birthday and we had dinner with family and friends at Chikaan Sa Cebu. One of the stuff that we ordered was good old crispy pata. This recipe of mine is something we made last Christmas. I hope you will enjoy it as much as my family did.


1 Pata
1 bottle of Sprite or 7 up
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp patis
1/2 table spoon baking soda
4 tbsp all purpose flour
oil for deep frying

1.) Cut your pata and place it in water with Sprite and salt. You can also do this without cutting your pata in pieces. Just make small cuts in the skin of your pata.

2.) Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.

3.) Add baking soda and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

4.) Remove from pat and allow to drip dry for 24 hours. It helps to dry faster when you put it under the hot sun.

5.) Rub patis on the pata and sprinkle with flour generously.

6.) Deep fry the pork pata until golden brown.

7.) The secret to great crispy pata lies with the sawsawan or dip. Just chop some onions, garlic, and tomato. Put them in a mixture of soy sauce with kalamansi and add a pinch of pepper. It will bring your crispy pata to a whole new level!

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because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach


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