istoryang kusina

because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

Archive for the tag “kangkong”

Crispy Kangkong

A few months ago, my husband Edward started planting Kangkong from a few stalks bought from the grocery. We use the leaves for tinola, sinigang, and adobong kangkong. Just recently, they’ve become so abundant that we started feeding them to the goats. So I tried looking for other ways so that our family could enjoy them more. One of our all time favorites to order in restaurants is the crispy kangkong. This is my recipe for it.


1 bundle kangkong leaves

1 cup sifted all purpose flour (very important that it’s sifted)
1 whole egg
2/3 cup cold water
1/4 tsp fine salt
1/8 tsp baking powder (this makes it crispy)
corn oil for frying

1 cup Mayonnaise (lite if possible)
2 tbsps fresh milk
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp white sugar
1/4 tsp fine salt

1. Wash the kangkong leaves carefully and wipe them dry individually. They have to be as dry as possible.
2. Prepare your dip by combining all the ingredients together and keep chilled.
3. Prepare the batter by mixing the ingredients in a bowl and with a wire whisk until no lumps are formed. It’s very important that your flour is sifted to get an even crispiness. If you don’t sift it, it will be crispy at first but after a few minutes it will become soggy.
4. Heat up a lot of oil for deep frying. Don’t worry because you can always set aside the used oil for re-use.
5. Dip a leaf in the batter one piece at a time and deep fry until the color becomes light brown.
6. Drain each in a plate lined with paper towels.
7. Serve hot with your dip and enjoy!

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